2005-08-02 11:55:46 UTC
So your saying the BBC, as one of the worlds most respected news
It's only respected by hardline left-wing nutjobs who live their lives
around hating America. Anybody with a working brain who can think for
themselves and see things objectively knows that the BBC is the most
anti-American news agency in the Western world. The only thing that
tops the BBC is al-Jazeera.
This has nothing to do with sci.crypt and everything to do with
arrogant "I know it all you must be wrong there is no grey area"
Shut up! just shut up.
Please, people can post anytime. Even you. What's wrong? Don't likearrogant "I know it all you must be wrong there is no grey area"
Shut up! just shut up.
Free Peach?
Nobody cares what tripe you can think of because your mind is so
clamped shut that the newest information that leaked in was what the
multiplication table was from your elementary school days.
Christ almighty shut up.
Even Christ would not want people to shut up.clamped shut that the newest information that leaked in was what the
multiplication table was from your elementary school days.
Christ almighty shut up.
You wanna have some stupid closeminded "fight the right" rambling
session? Do it in email.
No. Do it in Usenet.session? Do it in email.
Stupid closemindedness is telling people to shut up.