Cork Soaker
2008-12-08 01:17:53 UTC
| Andrew Halliwell BSc | I can SMELL!!! KRYTEN!!! Unpack
Rachel and |
| in | get out the puncture repair kit!"
| Computer Science | Arnold Judas Rimmer- Red Dwarf
A fellow dwarfer! You do know it's making a comeback next year? Long| Andrew Halliwell BSc | I can SMELL!!! KRYTEN!!! Unpack
Rachel and |
| in | get out the puncture repair kit!"
| Computer Science | Arnold Judas Rimmer- Red Dwarf
overdue too.
trying to get a movie going with numerous failures and scams going on.
Just recently though, the Dave channel has commissioned an hour-long two
parter plus two half hour documentaries, one a 'making of' and the other
a smeg ups variant. Mebbes it'll go back on the beeb at some point now
that pile of shit known as Hyperdrive has been cancelled.
But Red Dwarf is much better.
There were also some stirrings about Blackadder's fifth series, but who
The BBC could cancel a lot of horse shit:
My Family
My Hero
Anything with Alastair McGowan in
Chewin' The Fat
Jam and Jerusalem
Little Miss Jocelyn
*Anything* that has ever so much as mentioned Catherine Tate
Tittybangbang (how was this ever commissioned?)
Anything with Karen Taylor
Anything with Victoria Wood
Basically anything that requires canned laughter because IT IS NOT FUNNY.
Most the stuff on the BBC at the moment. It's a sad state of affairs
when we have to import comedy because the home-grown stuff is so awful!
Also, the American Red Dwarf was just pure idiocy.